Listography - Books
Fiction | Non-fiction | yearly favorite(s) in bold
- Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus (Adorno, Theodor W., 2019)
- Clear Bright Future (Mason, Paul, 2019)
- Homo faber (Frisch, Max, 1962)
- Identity (Fukuyama, Francis, 2018)
- Till we have faces (Lewis, C. S., 2017)
- Bis bald (Werner, M, 1992)
- Sapiens (Harari, Y. N., 2015)
- The New York Trilogy (Auster, P., 2006)
- The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God (Keret, E., 2004)
- Des Schweizers Schweiz (Bichsel, P., 1997)
- Blueprint - The Evolutionary Origins Of A Good Society (Christakis, N. A., 2019)
- Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker (Precht, R., 2018)
- Die kalte Schulter (Werner, M., 2011)
- Unsichtbare Frauen (Criado-Perez, C., 2020)
- Sprache und Sein (Gümüsay, K., 2020)
- Tage des Lesens (Proust, M., 2000)
- Educated (Westover, T., 2018)
- Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory (Fraser, N. & Jaeggi, R., 2018)
- Sie hat Bock (Lewina, K., 2020)
- Am Hang (Werner, M., 2006)
- Hexen - Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen (Chollet, M., 2020)
- Leon & Louise (Capus, A., 2012)
- Die Service-Public Revolution (Wehrmuth, C. & Ringger, B., 2020)
- Vergewaltigung - Aspekte eines Verbrechens (Sanyal, M., 2016)
- Afropean (Pitts, J., 2020)
- This book will make you kinder (Garret, H., 2020)
- Wretched of the Earth (Fanon, F., 1961)
8932 pages total in total (270 average per book), 21% female authors, 55% non-fictional, 48% in English, on average published 18.12 years ago
- The Cold War (Lewis Gaddis, John, 2006)
- Die Ästhetik des Alltags (Berzbach, Frank, 2018)
- The Power of Habit (Duhigg, Charles, 2014)
- Tschick (Herrndorf, Wolfgang, 2010)
- Arbeit und Struktur (Herrndorf, Wolfgang, 2015)
- Der Chronist der Winde (Mankell, Henning, 2002)
- Wider den Gehorsam (Gruen, Arno, 2014)
- Minima Moralia (Adorno, Theodor W., 1969)
- Sweet Dreams (Frayn, Michael, 1973)
- Scrum (Sutherland, Jeff, 2014)
- Untenrum frei (Stokowski, Margarete, 2016)
- Verzeichnis einiger Verluste (Schalansky, Judith, 2018)
- Astrophysics for people in a hurry (De Grasse Tyson, Neil, 2017)
- Der Mythos des Sisyphos (Camus, Albert, 1942)
- Billion Dollar Whale (Wright, Tom and Hope, Bradley, 2018)
- White Noise (DeLillo, Don, 2016)
- Ja heisst ja und ... (Emcke, Caroline, 2019)
- The Monarchy of Fear (Nussbaum, Martha C., 2018)
- Utopia for Realists (Bregman, Rutger, 2017)
- Afrotopia (Sarr, Felwine, 2019)
- Der Mensch in der Revolte (Camus, Albert, 1951)
- Tödliche Macht (Pauchard, Esther, 2018)
- The Partner (Grisham, John, 1997)
- Pnin (Nabokov, Vladimir, 1953)
- Conversations with Friends (Rooney, Sally, 2018)
- Fast ein bisschen Frühling (Capus, Alex, 2004)
- Normal People (Rooney, Sally, 2018)
- Helden (Shaw, Bernhard, 1984)
- Schweiz ohne Armee? Ein Palaver (Frisch, Max, 1992)
- Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism (Harvey, David, 2014)
- Jugend ohne Gott (von Horváth, Ödön, 1937)
- Postcapitalism - A guide to our future (Mason, Paul, 2015)
- Let it bleed (Rankin, Ian, 1995)
9442 pages in total (449 average per book), 38% female authors, 38% non-fictional, 52% in English, on average published 13,95 years ago
- Winter's Heart (Jordan, Robert, 2000)
- Crossroads of Twilight (Jordan, Robert, 2003)
- Knife of Dreams (Jordan, Robert, 2005)
- The Gathering Storm (Jordan, Robert, 2009)
- Boys Don't Cry (Urwin, Jack, 2017)
- All the Light We Cannot See (Doerr, Anthony, 2014)
- Towers of Midnight (Jordan, Robert, 2010)
- Exit Racism (Ogette, Tupoka, 2017)
- A Memory of Light (Jordan, Robert, 2013)
- From Bacteria to Bach and Back (Dennet, Daniel, 2017)
- Die grüne Lüge (Hartmann, Kathrin, 2018)
- Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Poe, Edgar Allan, 1902)
- Nichtstun ist keine Lösung (Sezgin, Hilal, 2017)
- Erschlagt die Armen (Sinha, Shumona, 2015)
- Kaminfeuergeschichten (Giovannetti, Luigi Pericle, 1973)
- Frau Huber geht nach Strassburg (Meyer & Riklin, 2018)
- Lob des Risikos (Dufourmantelle, Anne, 2018)
- Kennedys Hirn (Mankell, Henning, 2006)
- Blood Hunt (Rankin, Ian, 1995)
- Mindfulness (Langer, Ellen J., 2015)
- In a Good Light (Chambers, Clare, 2003)
10593 pages in total (504 average per book), 0% female authors, 33% non-fictional, 95% in English, on average published 21,3 years ago
- Peter Stäubli in Brasilien (Alvares Keller, Walter, 1959)
- Kafka on the Shore (Murakami, Haruki, 2002)
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (Haddon, Mark, 2003)
- The Small Woman (Burgess, Alan, 1957)
- Maybe, maybe not (Fulghum, Robert, 1993)
- What on Earth Have I Done? (Fulghum, Robert, 2007)
- The Eye of The World (Jordan, Robert, 1990)
- The Great Hunt (Jordan, Robert, 1990)
- The Dragon Reborn (Jordan, Robert, 1991)
- The Shadow Rising (Jordan, Robert, 1992)
- The Fires of Heaven (Jordan, Robert, 1993)
- Lord of Chaos (Jordan, Robert, 1994)
- A Crown of Swords (Jordan, Robert, 1996)
- The Path of Daggers (Jordan, Robert, 1998)
- Insatiable: The Rise and Rise of the Greedocracy (Sim, Stuart, 2017)
- A Philosophy of Walking (Gros, Frederic, 2014)
- The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (le Carré, John, 1963)
- Ready Player One (Cline, Ernest, 2011)
- The Devil in the Grove (King, Gilbert, 2012)
- The End of Normal (Galbraith, James K., 2011)
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (Manson, Mark, 2016)
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