Listography - Books

A continuously updated list of books I read, for me to remember, for you to borrow ideas from.

Fiction | Non-fiction | yearly favorite(s) in bold


  1. Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus (Adorno, Theodor W., 2019)
  2. Clear Bright Future (Mason, Paul, 2019)
  3. Homo faber (Frisch, Max, 1962)
  4. Identity (Fukuyama, Francis, 2018)
  5. Till we have faces (Lewis, C. S., 2017)
  6. Bis bald (Werner, M, 1992)
  7. Sapiens (Harari, Y. N., 2015)
  8. The New York Trilogy (Auster, P., 2006)
  9. The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God (Keret, E., 2004)
  10. Des Schweizers Schweiz (Bichsel, P., 1997)
  11. Blueprint - The Evolutionary Origins Of A Good Society (Christakis, N. A., 2019)
  12. Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker (Precht, R., 2018)
  13. Die kalte Schulter (Werner, M., 2011)
  14. Unsichtbare Frauen (Criado-Perez, C., 2020)
  15. Sprache und Sein (Gümüsay, K., 2020)
  16. Tage des Lesens (Proust, M., 2000)
  17. Educated (Westover, T., 2018)
  18. Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory (Fraser, N. & Jaeggi, R., 2018)
  19. Sie hat Bock (Lewina, K., 2020)
  20. Am Hang (Werner, M., 2006)
  21. Hexen - Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen (Chollet, M., 2020)
  22. Leon & Louise (Capus, A., 2012)
  23. Die Service-Public Revolution (Wehrmuth, C. & Ringger, B., 2020)
  24. Vergewaltigung - Aspekte eines Verbrechens (Sanyal, M., 2016)
  25. Afropean (Pitts, J., 2020)
  26. This book will make you kinder (Garret, H., 2020)
  27. Wretched of the Earth (Fanon, F., 1961)


8932 pages total in total (270 average per book), 21% female authors, 55% non-fictional, 48% in English, on average published 18.12 years ago
  1. The Cold War (Lewis Gaddis, John, 2006)
  2. Die Ästhetik des Alltags (Berzbach, Frank, 2018)
  3. The Power of Habit (Duhigg, Charles, 2014)
  4. Tschick (Herrndorf, Wolfgang, 2010)
  5. Arbeit und Struktur (Herrndorf, Wolfgang, 2015)
  6. Der Chronist der Winde (Mankell, Henning, 2002)
  7. Wider den Gehorsam (Gruen, Arno, 2014)
  8. Minima Moralia (Adorno, Theodor W., 1969)
  9. Sweet Dreams (Frayn, Michael, 1973)
  10. Scrum (Sutherland, Jeff, 2014)
  11. Untenrum frei (Stokowski, Margarete, 2016)
  12. Verzeichnis einiger Verluste (Schalansky, Judith, 2018)
  13. Astrophysics for people in a hurry (De Grasse Tyson, Neil, 2017)
  14. Der Mythos des Sisyphos (Camus, Albert, 1942)
  15. Billion Dollar Whale (Wright, Tom and Hope, Bradley, 2018)
  16. White Noise (DeLillo, Don, 2016)
  17. Ja heisst ja und ... (Emcke, Caroline, 2019)
  18. The Monarchy of Fear (Nussbaum, Martha C., 2018)
  19. Utopia for Realists (Bregman, Rutger, 2017)
  20. Afrotopia (Sarr, Felwine, 2019)
  21. Der Mensch in der Revolte (Camus, Albert, 1951)
  22. Tödliche Macht (Pauchard, Esther, 2018)
  23. The Partner (Grisham, John, 1997)
  24. Pnin (Nabokov, Vladimir, 1953)
  25. Conversations with Friends (Rooney, Sally, 2018)
  26. Fast ein bisschen Frühling (Capus, Alex, 2004)
  27. Normal People (Rooney, Sally, 2018)
  28. Helden (Shaw, Bernhard, 1984)
  29. Schweiz ohne Armee? Ein Palaver (Frisch, Max, 1992)
  30. Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism (Harvey, David, 2014)
  31. Jugend ohne Gott (von Horváth, Ödön, 1937)
  32. Postcapitalism - A guide to our future (Mason, Paul, 2015)
  33. Let it bleed (Rankin, Ian, 1995)


9442 pages in total (449 average per book), 38% female authors, 38% non-fictional, 52% in English, on average published 13,95 years ago
  1. Winter's Heart (Jordan, Robert, 2000)
  2. Crossroads of Twilight (Jordan, Robert, 2003)
  3. Knife of Dreams (Jordan, Robert, 2005)
  4. The Gathering Storm (Jordan, Robert, 2009)
  5. Boys Don't Cry (Urwin, Jack, 2017)
  6. All the Light We Cannot See (Doerr, Anthony, 2014)
  7. Towers of Midnight (Jordan, Robert, 2010)
  8. Exit Racism (Ogette, Tupoka, 2017)
  9. A Memory of Light (Jordan, Robert, 2013)
  10. From Bacteria to Bach and Back (Dennet, Daniel, 2017)
  11. Die grüne Lüge (Hartmann, Kathrin, 2018)
  12. Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Poe, Edgar Allan, 1902)
  13. Nichtstun ist keine Lösung (Sezgin, Hilal, 2017)
  14. Erschlagt die Armen (Sinha, Shumona, 2015)
  15. Kaminfeuergeschichten (Giovannetti, Luigi Pericle, 1973) 
  16. Frau Huber geht nach Strassburg (Meyer & Riklin, 2018)
  17. Lob des Risikos (Dufourmantelle, Anne, 2018)
  18. Kennedys Hirn (Mankell, Henning, 2006)
  19. Blood Hunt (Rankin, Ian, 1995)
  20. Mindfulness (Langer, Ellen J., 2015)
  21. In a Good Light (Chambers, Clare, 2003)


10593 pages in total (504 average per book), 0% female authors, 33% non-fictional, 95% in English, on average published 21,3 years ago
  1. Peter Stäubli in Brasilien (Alvares Keller, Walter, 1959)
  2. Kafka on the Shore (Murakami, Haruki, 2002)
  3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night (Haddon, Mark, 2003)
  4. The Small Woman (Burgess, Alan, 1957)
  5. Maybe, maybe not (Fulghum, Robert, 1993)
  6. What on Earth Have I Done? (Fulghum, Robert, 2007)
  7. The Eye of The World (Jordan, Robert, 1990)
  8. The Great Hunt (Jordan, Robert, 1990)
  9. The Dragon Reborn (Jordan, Robert, 1991)
  10. The Shadow Rising (Jordan, Robert, 1992)
  11. The Fires of Heaven (Jordan, Robert, 1993)
  12. Lord of Chaos (Jordan, Robert, 1994)
  13. A Crown of Swords (Jordan, Robert, 1996)
  14. The Path of Daggers (Jordan, Robert, 1998)
  15. Insatiable: The Rise and Rise of the Greedocracy (Sim, Stuart, 2017)
  16. A Philosophy of Walking (Gros, Frederic, 2014)
  17. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (le Carré, John, 1963)
  18. Ready Player One (Cline, Ernest, 2011)
  19. The Devil in the Grove (King, Gilbert, 2012)
  20. The End of Normal (Galbraith, James K., 2011)
  21. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (Manson, Mark, 2016)


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