Listography - Books
A continuously updated list of books I read, for me to remember, for you to borrow ideas from. Fiction | Non-fiction | yearly favorite(s) in bold 2020 Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus (Adorno, Theodor W., 2019) Clear Bright Future (Mason, Paul, 2019) Homo faber (Frisch, Max, 1962) Identity (Fukuyama, Francis, 2018) Till we have faces (Lewis, C. S., 2017) Bis bald (Werner, M, 1992) Sapiens (Harari, Y. N., 2015) The New York Trilogy (Auster, P., 2006) The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God (Keret, E., 2004) Des Schweizers Schweiz (Bichsel, P., 1997) Blueprint - The Evolutionary Origins Of A Good Society (Christakis, N. A., 2019) Jäger, Hirten, Kritiker (Precht, R., 2018) Die kalte Schulter (Werner, M., 2011) Unsichtbare Frauen (Criado-Perez, C., 2020) Sprache und Sein (Gümüsay, K., 2020) Tage des Lesens (Proust, M., 2000) Educated (Westover, T., 2018) Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory (Fraser, N. & Jaeggi, R., 2018) Sie hat Bock (...